Friday, March 27, 2009

Crazy Little Kids! Parents Hide Your Keys!

This kid is crazy! What are your thoughts?


Photo Blog: La Canada Descanso Gardens Part 1

Descanso Gardens, La Canada Flintridge

On a recent visit to Descanso Gardens with Erica Swanson, we were amazed by its beauty! This is the first part of a series of photo blogs showcasing on of La Canada's best retreats.

Here Fishy, Fishy

Aside from beautiful Koi fish swimming in the pond, it has an fabulous water feature that shoots water about 10 feet in the air. Fun for the kids (and adults too)!

Look Up
There is this small bamboo forest as you approach the Japanese Tea House. I highly recommend going inside, but watch you step due to broken bamboo. Look to the sky and enjoy!